Our Mission



The focus is the child, always. Our goal is to meet the needs, intellectually, social-emotionally, and with a growth model mindset of each, and every individual child. Always.

Thinking for self. We release the student from familiar, narrow, curriculum guidelines. We release them from the confines of standardized testing. We invest in the remarkable individuality and co-mingling of interests, strengths, preferred modes of learning and expression. We also welcome the family into the school to create a dynamic that circles back to the home and creates a continuous and growing understanding of each and every child. In fact, even before they begin their journeys with us within The School of Innovative Learning, we are working with each individual student, and their parent(s)/caretaker(s) to discover – with great excitement – their history, their interests, and how they best learn.


The School is a place of joy and a place of discovery. It is a place to ascertain and support the gifts and talents that are in line with a student’s interests and strengths.

The School is a Place to SHINE and to find JOY. Resources, opportunities to foster, share what they self-discover, collaborate with peers and their mentors, and dive into research with their facilitators, mentors, and community is the goal. Students also work cross-collaboratively in math, science, literature, social studies, music, art, sports, and other areas of interest.



Our team works to collaborate on resources, student information, and the gifts and talents of one another.

Facilitators focus on discovering, nurturing, and providing individual as well as group opportunities for students to create, share, and work together as they recognize their own strengths and those of their classmates. Facilitators are trained in The Schoolwide Enrichment Model, social-emotional learning, co-teaching, as well as other forms of education that will enable them to meet the needs of their students. These educational models are used to facilitate classroom opportunities, and resources that will enable facilitators to support and escalate the abilities and nurture the students socially, emotionally, and intellectually.


The school is actively integrated within the community through the work of our On the Ground Facilitators who:

  • Work with Parents, Community Members, Mentors, In-Class Facilitators
  • They also work with students within each class
  • The goal of the On-the-Ground Facilitators is help students to focus on their interests, make connections, and begin the journey within their classes, and in their projects that focus on the power of their self-discovery, and on how to showcase what they create. Creating these connections and building upon them create positive change, a growing understanding that is applicable, and self-efficacious development for all!

Mentors provide students with opportunities to be in the community learning, participating, and being in-service, alongside their mentors. Mentors are artisans and experts from all over the community as well as on-line and are acquired according to student interest. The goal is to acquire specialists from areas of student interests including, but certainly not limited to art, food, sports, languages, architecture, money, business, crafts, graphic arts, and so much more!

The School is not the only place for students to learn. Rather, it is a place to facilitate what is valuable to learn about, as well as to discover how and where to access new, exciting, and personalized resources that can activate and perpetuate student interest and success.  Allowing young people to innovate and own their ideas, while gaining their perception of self, others, and the world is a powerful recipe for success. Students can see and understand who they are, and that their voices, actions, and beliefs matter.

Allowing students to think beyond a classroom text and expand their knowledge into the realm of community service is a powerful human, and intellectual experience. They are encouraged to problem-solve for the issues that they see around them. In fact, they are encouraged to look around them and begin to discover, for themselves, how vital their place, and their choices on this Earth can really be.


Parents and Guardians of the students of The School of Innovative Learning play the crucial role that they should play in any school in which their child is educated.

We look forward to their integration in the work of their children to understand and discuss the work that we are invested in to help their children soar intellectually, emotionally, and socially. We welcome their insight, their suggestions, and connections with them regarding their children’s portfolios, as well as other children who may invite them in to view their portfolios as they may be a Mentor to another student who is not their child! We welcome their professional feedback as Parents, Guardians, and Mentors, as well as experts in their own work, or fields of study that the students may find fascinating. Participating and presenting in our school is essential as we understand Parents and Guardians to be an essential part of the success of The School of Innovative Learning.


By the time the student begins to look toward their future beyond The School, they will begin to realize that they have a portfolio of projects, community connections, and original products that express something so much more than grades, which are not a focus of our school. Instead, they will be able to express who they are and who they continue to become: a complete person who understands and recognizes his/her: skills, talents, interests, accomplishments, abilities, strengths, and who knows how to take risks, push through struggles, find difficulty to be challenging and rewarding, and who can discover people, information, and tools to help them to excel.

One of the most powerful aspects of The School is that we stay for and with our students. They do not leave us for another school. We stay with them as they transition through to college, university, or to begin their own business, or a vocation of their choice.


  • First Day: TBD
  • Ages: 11 and up
  • Number of students: 30
  • Number of full-time Facilitators: 6
    (4 in class, 2 out of class)


  • First Day: September 20th
  • Ages: 11 and up
  • Number of students: 175
  • Number of full-time Facilitators: 14


  • First Day: September 20th
  • Ages: 11 and up
  • Number of students: 625
  • Number of full-time Facilitators: 46