
The School of

Innovative Learning

The School of Innovative Learning is a new, tuition free school that focuses on each child’s interests, preferred modes of learning, and expression styles, enabling them to honor their true selves. By doing so, each young person can authentically explore the world around them and challenge what real education can be FOR THEM.

How is SOIL Different?

SOIL is the place where we nurture the entire child. No matter the age, no matter what others have said, The School is a place where the acronym “SOIL” says it all.

We nourish:

  • the intellect,
  • the energy,
  • the questions,
  • and the heart and soul of every person who enters.
  • Parents, community members, mentors in areas of expertise that correspond to the interests of our students are all a part of helping our students to grow in their own particular ways and to have the time, resources, and guidance in finding out how best each STUDENT learns as they progress through understanding themselves, and finding out what they are interested in knowing more about.

The purpose of The School of Innovative Learning extends to:

  • celebrating the diversity, and the truth of what is “different” in every child whom we have the joy of meeting.
  • recognizing differences and celebrating them. Young people can see their own strengths, and the strengths of others.
  • a new way of seeing self and others that provides allowance for truth, sharing, and collaboration with a sense of “give and take” and an awareness that not having a particular skill does not mean that a person is “not smart” or is “inadequate” when compared with peers.
  • the purpose of differentiation which is to discover where, not only each individual’s talents lie, but also, where each individual’s interests lie, so as to build upon both talent and interest, thereby creating a place that resonates with creativity, purpose, and direction.